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Welcome to the

Shelter Rock School

Computer Lab


Welcome to the Computer Lab.  Throughout the year we will practice our technology skills and gain new knowledge along the way.  Not only will we fine-tune our keyboarding and word processing skills, but we will find ways to incorporate these skills into your classroom content and create many interesting projects.  One day you might be researching topics on the internet and creating beautiful PowerPoint presentations. The next day you might find yourself reinforcing your Math skills through Fast Math, or learning other new and exciting technology.

Hang on to your hats, because you are going to be AMAZED by the incredible amount of
knowledge and expertise you will have gained in the Computer Lab by the end of the year. Parents will be able to enjoy seeing the amount of technology you learned during class and grade-level presentations. 


Ms. Dina Merolesi - Computer Specialist Teacher/Staff Developer

Mr. Santina Nikolaidis - Computer Specialist Teacher Assistant

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