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Partners in Education

School Community Links:

Since 2001, the Manhasset Community Coalition Against Substance Abuse, Inc. (CASA) has existed in the Manhasset community as a resource to reduce the illegal, underage use of alcohol, tobacco, prescription and other drugs among its youth. CASA strives to reach our youth before they are in trouble by connecting parents, school, community and youth as partners in this common goal.
Indian's Rock Community Foundation
The Indian's Rock Foundation was formed to promote athletics for all residents of Manhasset by development of a community partnership to provide athletic fields and facilities for the Manhasset community. 
The SCA consists of parents, interested residents of the community, and members of the school faculty and unites these various facets of the public school district into one dynamic and effective organization. Its purpose is to promote closer cooperation between teachers and parents, school and community and to further at all times the best interests of and highest advantages in physical, mental, social and ethical education of our young people.
The Tower Foundation of Manhasset, Inc. is a non-profit organization established in 1991 by members of the Manhasset community to enrich the educational experience of the students of the Manhasset schools. Its goal is to raise funds from the private sector, in, including individuals, families and businesses, and distribute these funds as grants to Manhasset Public Schools. 

MAAC - Manhasset Athletic Advisory Committee

PASE - Parent Association for Special Education

SEPTA - Special Education Parent Teachers Association

The Silver M Society -- The Silver M Society is an organization set up over 70 years ago to honor both students and teachers for their years of dedication to Manhasset Public Schools.

Adventures in Learning--Located at the Great Neck Manhasset Community Center, the program offers afterschool activities for first and second graders. Information at 365-7131

Manhasset After School Xperience (M.A.X.)--A non-profit, NYS registered after school program for kindergarten through sixth grade children of Manhasset's working, full-time student, and single working parents.

Local Community Links: